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Rotary Club Dues Structure

In January of 2013 we added this online payment option which allows the flexibility of making your dues payments via a credit card or your Paypal account. Because the fee for online payments is not a budget item, the "Pay Now" buttons here will include a surcharge to cover the cost of the online payment system. This surcharge can be avoided by paying by check directly to the Treasurer or mailed to the Club PO box, or by bank draft.

Regular Dues
I. Regular Membership:
Includes cost of meals and club social events.
Quarterly dues: $130.00 plus $30.00 for EREY, Total: $160.00
Annualized Dues: $520.00 plus $120.00 for EREY, Total: $640.00
II. Non-Eating Regular Membership (NERM)
For those members who want to attend meetings without having a meal. You must declare this membership status upon joining or at the beginning of each year (July1) and cannot change your decision until July 1 of the following year. You still may decide to have a meal or drink at a meeting, and cover that cost with either the establishment or the Treasurer. You may also be asked to pay a fee to cover your cost of attendance at club social events.

Quarterly dues: $85.00 plus $30.00 for EREY, Total: $115.00
Annualized Dues: $340.00 plus $120.00 for EREY, Total: $460.00

Young Professional Membership
III. Young Professional Rate:
For those whose 35th birthday occurs during the fiscal year or are under that age, and includes cost of meals and club social events.
Quarterly dues: $60.00 plus $30.00 for EREY, Total: $90.00
Annualized Dues: $240.00 plus $120.00 for EREY, Total: $360.00
College Student Membership
IV. College Student Rate:
For those Sewanee Students already covered under the University's meal plan, and includes cost of club social events.
Quarterly dues: $35.00 plus $30.00 for EREY, Total: $65.00
Annualized Dues: $140.00 plus $120.00 for EREY, Total: $260.00