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Haiti Outreach Project

working with the mountain farmers to create a coffee nursery

The Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club is co-sponsoring a 10 day medical mission to Haiti. The mission is being coordinated by a local church in Haiti and will provide primary medical and dental care to Haitians in three communities - Montrouis, Cange, and Corporant. The trip will include three Rotarians - our President Chip Manning, Dixon Myers, and Janice Thomas, RN. The core medical/dental team will include Drs. Bruce Baird, Matt Baird, and Sarah Baird as well as Mrs. Thomas. Adding support to this mission will be a contingent of 24 students from the University of the South. The students are participating under the aegis of the University's Volunteer Outreach Program that is directed by Dixon Myers and supported by Professors Deborah McGrath and Peggy Farmer. For this reason, the trip roughly coincides with the University's Spring Break.

There continues to be a desperate need for medical and dental assistance in Haiti, especially in light of the devastating earthquake in 2010. The quake severely damaged the country's already weak infrastructure creating an ongoing medical emergency. The Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Club is pleased to be partnering with the University of the South and other Rotary Clubs in attempting to provide some relief through this medical mission.

The Monteagle - Sewanee Rotary Club raised $2500 through our December Tree Sale to fund this trip. We are pleased that our Rotary District (6780) has provided matching funds, along with additional funding through the Charles Hubbard Memorial Fund. In addition, the University of the South is also providing grants to provide at least partial support to their students who will be involved in this effort. The student contingent, which includes a number of certified EMTs, will be providing significant support to this mission, reinforcing the Rotary motto of "service above self."